Limited Psych Eval For First Responders
Purpose: It is often difficult to decide whether to use EAP services for brief treatment or to file a Worker’s Compensation Claim for more extended treatment. This service is designed to explore those options, and to determine if you have a diagnosis that might help you decide. It is very helpful to have this eval before you file a worker’s compensation claim.
What we will do: I will arrange for you to take some psychological assessments before your appointment. These assessments will take an hour, maybe a little longer. Some will be taken on your home computer; some you will get by email, fill out, and bring with you to our appointment. At our appointment we will discuss the evaluations, and I will interview you about how you experience things brought up by the assessment scores. The interview will take about an hour and a half.
What you get: I will write you a brief report indicating the results of our interview, and the psychological assessments. Based on this data I will provide a diagnosis, if any, and thoughts about future treatment recommendations (again, if any). This brief assessment can be submitted along with a worker’s compensation claim and/or provided to your future treatment provider. Your treatment provider can also request my records if it would be helpful to you.
What you don’t get: I will not comment on fitness for duty. I am not evaluating you for that. (We may discuss whether it is safe for you to work, but no conclusions will appear in my report.) The same is true for investigations or disciplinary actions. We will discuss them, but I will offer no opinion about how the personnel actions are affecting symptoms. This assessment will not cover everything you need for worker's comp. Be prepared to do more with your treatment provider.
Money: Unfortunately, I no longer treat people using worker’s compensation insurance. Unfortunately EAP providers will not allow me to provide a diagnosis. That option is not available. I am not taking regular medical insurance. In most cases you will have to pay out of your own pocket.
Fee Structure: The package cannot be broken into sub-sections.
Psychological Assessment $150
Clinical Interview $150
Report Preparation $ 50
Total: $300
The best reason for having a diagnosis before you file a worker's compensation claim is that it really reinforces the "presumption" for PTSD claims enacted by the legislature on 2020. It also helps with a host of other legal issues.